If you, or someone you know, needs a little help with some essential supplies, its simple to get in touch. You do not have to be referred by someone, meet strict criteria or fill out any forms.
You can call us or even just message “Welfare Box” to our dedicated mobile number or email address.
A volunteer will then message you back asking you:
How many people are in your household and If you require any additional items such as toiletries, baby food or pet supplies?
If you would like to collect the box or have it dropped to your door?
If you don’t call us we won’t call you. We will simply message you back via the platform you message on.
Our team of volunteers operate under a code of strict confidential conduct. However we recognise that in a small community the need for privacy is important.
So, if you would like to receive a welfare box anonymously, we offer you the option to have one dropped at your door, without the need to open up and speak to us.
During the pandemic we are making sure to keep to safe protocol. Our volunteers sanitise and wear gloves when necessary.
When making deliveries we will keep a safe social distance and ask that you do the same. We are unable to come into your homes but can bring the boxes right to your door.
Exact Items vary, but all boxes contain basic, store cupboard items. The box is designed to provide emergency meals for a few days.
When you ask for a box we will ask if you require any additional items such as:
Cleaning or Laundry Products
Nappies or Baby Food
Pet Food
We are also able to provide a small amount of fresh food such as bread, milk, fruit or vegetables if you require it. So please let us know what your needs are.